Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.

2025 Scholarship Application

Our church is now accepting scholarship appliactions to help our graduating seniors.

Scholarship Guidelines

To apply, the applicant must:

1. Be a member of the church or actively involved in GUMC

2. Use the scholarship money for post high school schooling/training

3. Complete and return the application by May 1st 2025.

The amount awarded for the scholarship will be determined by the number of applicants, the scholarship money available, and financial need. Applicants will be eligible to receive assistance not more than twice.
There may be two levels of high school scholarships awarded – one for those who have been actively involved in the church and one for general members. We will offer a separate scholarship to any church member to assist with continuing education.

The applications will be evaluated by the Scholarship Committee (members will not be eligible to assess family applications). The scholarships will be awarded at a church service in May or early June. Recipients will be notified and invited to attend

To download the application now please Click Here

Completed applications may be mailed to or dropped off in the church office.