Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.
What We Believe
We believe in God.
We seek to serve and worship God in all that we do. We believe in God who is powerful, God who creates and sustains all. We also believe in God who is personal, who loves and cares for each and every person. We are all God’s children and God desires to be in a relationship with all of us.
We believe in Jesus.
From his birth in a manger to his death and resurrection, Jesus showed us how to live an authentic human life. He built relationships, taught the best way to live, and offered wholeness of body, mind, and soul. Jesus was completely human and completely God. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death so that we might all have life, both life in heaven and real, abundant life in the here and now.
We believe in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God with us. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, guide, and advocate. The Holy Spirit gives us all gifts to use to serve God and others. The Holy Spirit is there with us as we seek to grow in faith and holiness.
We believe in grace.
As humans, we all do things that hurt our relationships with God, with others, and with ourselves. Yet, through the grace of Jesus, we are offered new life and new hope. The grace of Jesus is at work in our lives before we even realize it. The grace of Jesus saves us from our sins. The grace of Jesus leads us on to holy living as we become people who more deeply follow Jesus.
We believe in personal holiness.
Through the grace of Jesus, we seek to grow in our relationship with God. We encourage everybody to have regular practices of devotion. We deepen our faith as we spend time praying, reading the Bible, practicing silence and reflection, and worshiping. We live more holy lives when we are intentionally spending time deepening our personal relationship with God.
We believe in social holiness.
We not only grow in holiness through acts of devotion but also by seeking to grow in holiness as a community and striving to make our world a more holy place. We serve others. We advocate for the least, the last, and the lost. We care for creation. We work for justice for all.
We believe in community.
Christian life is best done with others. Just as Jesus was a part of a deep and authentic community, we strive to do the same. As a church we seek to be a place where people can find and grow deep and meaningful relationships through small groups, Bible studies, worship, and serving together.
Want to know more about how your life can be transformed by Jesus? Come join us at worship, or another event. We think a life of faith is at its best when we are figuring it out together.