Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.

Loving Hands Preschool

Loving Hands Preschool is a program serving children ages 3-5 years old.

The curriculum includes a basic introduction to Christian values, as well as opportunities to explore language and spatial concepts to develop rhythm and movement skills, to begin math and reading readiness and socialization for learning to plan and work in group situations.

We are affiliated with and located at Greensburg United Methodist Church in Green, Ohio. Loving Hands serves children who are toilet trained and are between the ages of 3-5 years old.

Our school and staff are fully licensed, and meet or exceed all state requirements.

Your child will benefit from the friendly classrooms and large indoor, carpeted motor play area, as well as the smaller class sizes which provide an opportunity for teachers to nurture your child.

We are a nut-sensitive facility. We have children with severe nut allergies, and we ask that all children bring in snacks or lunches that do not contain peanut butter, or nuts of any kind. If you have questions regarding this policy, please speak to your child's teacher.

Loving Hands follows the Green Local Schools school year calendar, as well as any snow days. If Green Schools has a Delay Start, preschool will be closed for that day. It will be considered a snow day.

There are a few days throughout the year that Loving Hands is closed, while Green Schools are open. Please check your school year calendar for those dates.

For more information on Loving Hands Preschool, or to schedule a tour, you can call Shannon Miller, our Preschool Director, by calling the church office at 330-896-1936, by email at  or check out their website by Clicking Here