Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.


Adult Ministry

United Women Of Faith
United Women Of Faith is the only official organization for women within the United Methodist Church. Founded in 1869, it is "the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members." Through their generosity, members help empower and improve the lives of women, youth and children in the United States and around the world.

Funds from members go to mission programs and projects supporting women, children and youth.

Our unit meets on the third Thursday of each month at 3:15pm from September-May. All are welcome. We always include time for sharing of devotions, prayer, a short business meeting, sometimes a special program and always time for fellowship and fun.

Bed Brigade
This group is all about making beds for children who don't have beds of their own. We purchase the materials through donated funds and we cut the wood and the bed frames are put together.

Once completed we deliver the finished beds all with mattresses and completed sets of bedding to some very happy kids If you would like to learn more or get involved, Click Here

Dementia Support Group
We now have a Dementia Support Group that meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6pm. They meet in the library or gathering area depending on attendance. It is open to anyone that has a loved one with Dementia/Alzheimer's. The group starts with a relevant educational topic about Dementia, care giving, etc. and ends with an open forum to discuss the attendee's struggles, needs or questions. It is facilitated by Homestead Hospice Chaplain Billy Kremer and Homestead Hospice Social Worker Anita St. John, both who have years of experience working with individuals with dementia and their families. They are pleased to be in the community of Green and the group is open to everyone.

Bible Studies
We have studied the Bible in many different ways over the years. There are a number of us at Greensburg UMC who found it excellent and to some, life-changing to participate in a weekly Bible Study. We have shared many good studies and many good times together. The door is always open to fellow Christians to become a part of our studies. If you’re looking for a Christian study in a small group setting, please give it a try. For questions, please call the church office at 330-896-1936 or by email at