Children's Ministry

Our Children's Ministry exists to sow seeds of faith in order for children to not only nurture the community, but to produce compassion, and grow in the Son.
We offer a variety of programs for all ages of children. Our nursery is always open for any parent that may need it.
GUM Club
GUM Club meets in Room 111. This is an interactive Sunday School component for children in grades K through 5. It's the place for kids to hang out, have fun, learn and grow in the faith. Join Miss Amy, Miss Beth and Pastor David as we go back to the basics and learn more about why we believe what we do. Our first few weeks will begin with prayer. We will learn why we pray, how God wants us to pray, and the great prayers in the Bible. By the end our hope is for each kid to be able to know and understand The Lord’s Prayer
Any questions, please email Amy Dvorak (
There will be childcare available for those younger than Kindergarten in the Nursery.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held one week during the summer, This fun event is for children 3 years old-going into 6th grade. VBS offers Bible stories, music, games, crafts, and snacks all with a biblical meaning to go with the year's theme. Planning has begun for this years VBS. Check back for more details.
The Nursery is open for children ages newborn to two years old all morning on Sundays. Preschool care is also available for ages three to kindergarten.
For more information on our various Children's Ministry Programs, feel free to call the church office at 330-896-1936 or send an email to