Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.

Whats' Happening at GUMC

Easter Choir
Similar to what we did with the Christmas Choir, we are going to have a special Easter Choir this year as well. It will practice for a few weeks and hopefully sing twice. Once on Palm Sunday and again on Easter Sunday. It was great having so many people sing with us on Christmas Eve and it would be awesome if we could pack the choir loft again. All are welcome to sing with us!  Prcatices will be held on Sunday mornings after the 10 AM service beginning on March 9th. Please let Brian know if you are able to sinf so we can pick music that will work for the voices that we have. You can email him at or catch him at church. Come make a joyful noise!  

Hold Your Next Event Here
If you or someone you know has a need for a location for a special event coming up this Spring or Summer, give us a call asap. We want to get the word out to our active members first before the general public. Do you know someone who has a need for a rental for a Graduation, Baby Shower, Wedding Reception, or maybe even a yoga class location??? We are open to discuss possibilities and availabilities. For more information Click Here. or call the church office at 330-896-1936 and talkj to Pam.

Pastors Class
What does the Lord require of you? Join Pastor Harlen and Pastor David Weyrick Sundays at 9am beginning March 9th to discuss these and other mandates from God and how Christs followers can live them out in todays culture.

Church Moving to One Service
Mark your calendars! Starting next Sunday, March 9th, we will move to one worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Members of the Worship Advisory Group are working with Pastor Harlen to craft a liturgy embracing the best of both our traditional and contemporary worship services.

Scholarship Applications Now Available
Once again this year our church is offering schlolarships to our graduating seniors. For more information Click Here.

Church Lawn Care
The Lawn Care Team is falling short on helpers. We could use 1-2 new members this year. Please email Pam or call if you are able to donate one time every 4-6 weeks to cut 3/4 of the church lawn through the season. Please email pam if you can help. 

Upcoming Bed Brigade Builds
The Bed Brigade team thanks everyone who has supported our mission. Our next build is scheduled for April 5th. Special thanks to Karen and Cliff Stadler for organizing a table at the Celebration of Education. Kent State University has also offered a donation of an addition 6 bunk bed sets (12 beds).

This year (January and February) we delivered 23 beds and have another 23 waiting to be delivered. We currently have enough sheets & pillows to supply these deliveries, we do not have enough blankets. So, we need blankets (XL Twin size) and drivers to deliver beds! See Dick Stratton if you are able to help drive! Blanket donations can be placed outside the worship area in the Bed Brigade container! Thank you!.

Email List
We are currently updating our email list. Please share with us your current email address that you would like us to communicate with you through. We would appreciate knowing any other changes also. The weekly Crosspoints will continue to be emailed and now we will be adding the monthly CrossTalk through the Constant Contact email service also. (IF you don’t have an email there will be copies of our monthly newsletter available in the “Information Center” kiosk, outside the worship areas) Please call the church office to add your email or to make any changes.