Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.
Whats' Happening at GUMC
Thank You Choir
A big thank you to everyone that was part of our Christmas Choir this year. You all sounded great! Looking forward to assembling another group for Palm Sunday and Easter.
Again thank you for sharing your talents with our choir and congregation.
We would like to update some of the pictures on this site, so if you happened to have snapped any pictures of any of the activites going on at the church and wouldn't mind if we posted some of them our this website, please send them to
Pastor's Class - The Phobia Factor. Being Strong ans Courageous.
Layoffs, foreclosures, COVID, terrorism, family, life, death; people are living in fear every day.
Yet the Bible tells says more than 300 times, “Fear not.”
Learn how to live without fear, boldly taking one day at a time, fully knowing that God is there, watching, protecting and wanting to give a life full
of peace and joy. New class begins: Sunday, January 5th at 10am thru Sunday, February 23rd.
Email List
We are currently updating our email list. Please share with us your current email address that you would like us to communicate with you through.
We would appreciate knowing any other changes also. The weekly Crosspoints will continue to be emailed and now we will be adding the monthly CrossTalk through the Constant Contact email service also. (IF you don’t have an email there will be copies of our monthly newsletter available in the “Information Center” kiosk, outside the worship
areas) Please call the church office to add your email or to make any changes.
Coffee and Conversation
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10 am in Fellowship Hall for a community built around conversation, this provides an opportunity to talk with others of all ages about the scripture and lesson of the day. Bring your morning beverage with you—any one is welcome.
Sunday Services
9:00 am Modern Worship Service
(Held in Fellowship Hall)
11:00 am Traditional Worship
(Held in the Sanctuary)
Bed Brigade
A ministry that builds and delivers beds
to those that need them.