Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by loving, engaging and serving our neighbors.

Whats' Happening at GUMC

Volunteeres Needed for Sunday Programs
Our children’s and youth programs are doing great! To keep them growing we need 4 adult volunteers each Sunday. Amy and Cullen need 3 adults for Sunday school classrooms (GUM, Level Up and Youth, 9:45 -11:00 am) and Diana needs 1 adult in our PreK (Nursery (9:45 – Noon). There will be a master schedule where you can pick the weeks and rooms where you would like to serve. Watch for the sign-ups outside worship areas coming soon! We will provide safe sanctuaries training for those who need it! Let's be ready for the start of the school year!!

Pastor's Class
Are you looking to deepen your faith and understanding ofBiblical truths in a way thats both engaging and applicable to everyday life? Join is for The Pastors' Class Sindays at 10:am in room 110. A new group where Pastors Harlen and David invite everyone on a journey of spiritual growth and discovery.

Mission Of The Month
This month our mission is to appreciate and support the incredible teachers and staff at Loving Hands Preschool. Their dedication and hard work have a profound impact on the 153 children they nurture and educate. May God bless each one of them abundantly. Let’s come together to make this a memorable and heartfelt celebration. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting those who make a positive impact on our children every day. Donations can be given to the church office and checks can be placed in offering plates during the month of September. Thank you.

Email List
We are currently updating our email list. Please share with us your current email address that you would like us to communicate with you through. We would appreciate knowing any other changes also. The weekly Crosspoints will continue to be emailed and now we will be adding the monthly CrossTalk through the Constant Contact email service also. (IF you don’t have an email there will be copies of our monthly newsletter available in the “Information Center” kiosk, outside the worship areas) Please call the church office to add your email or to make any changes.

Coffee and Conversation
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10 am in Fellowship Hall for a community built around conversation, this provides an opportunity to talk with others of all ages about the scripture and lesson of the day. Bring your morning beverage with you—any one is welcome.