Open M
OPEN M is a ministry of Faith, Health and Hope in northeast Ohio.
The vision is to break the cycle of poverty and improve the health of our community,

one family at a time; building bridges out of poverty by fostering health, wellness and nutrition for the body; education for the mind; and hope, joy and spiritual growth for the soul.
The programs include the Medical Clinic, the Community Works Akron, Food Distribution, and other community support activities.
To accomplish our mission, we rely on the generosity of more than 1,200 volunteers a year. Regardless of your skill set or amount of time available, there are opportunities for you to make a difference in the community by volunteering at OPEN M

OPEN M is supported by businesses, churches, foundations, individuals, and organizations who provide financial support, food, gifts, and volunteer time.
Your donation can support the organization as a whole, or be dedicated to a specific program. OPEN M gladly accepts cash, checks, and credit cards.
The Greensburg United Methodist Church is a Covenant Church and has pledged to support the mission of OPEN M through financial assistance, volunteerism, event promotion and prayer support.